The Enlightenment


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Bacon, Francis 1561 1626 Philosophe**, Statesman
Stuart, James (Scot) 1566 1625 King James I, Authorized King James Bible in English M
Kepler, Johannes (German) 1571 1630 Astronomer (planets around sun)
Galileo, Galilei (Italian) 1564 1642 Notorious Astronomer
Descartes, Rene’ (French) 1596 1650 Philosophe "I think, therefore.." , Mathematician
Hobbes, Thomas 1588 1679 Political philosopher
Boyle, Robert (Irish) 1627 1691 Physicist (Boyle's Law), Chemist, Inventor FRS*
Huygens, Christiian (Dutch) 1629 1695 Astronomer, inventor (pendulum clock), FRS
Spinoza, Baruch (Dutch) 1632 1677 Religious Philosopher FRS
van Leeuwenhoek, (Dutch) 1632 1723 Businessman, Scientist (Father of Microbiology) M,FRS
Wren, Christopher 1632 1723 Architect, Astronomer, Anatomist, Physicist, Founder of the Royal Society M,FRS
Newton, Isaac 1642 1726 Philosophe: Mathematician, Theologian PRS
Moray, Robert 1608 1673 Philosophe: Soldier, Judge, Diplomat, Founder of modern Masonry in England M,PRS
Hume, David (Scot) 1711 1776 Philosophe: Economist, Historian
Rousseau, Jean-J. (French) 1712 1778 Philosophe: Writer, Composer M
Voltaire (French) 1694 1778 Philosophe: Writer, Historian M
Diderot, Denis (French) 1713 1784 Encyclopedist M
Franklin, Benj. (American) 1706 1790 Philosophe: Scientist, Publisher, Diplomat   M,FRS
Gibbon, Edward 1737 1794 Historian (Rise & Fall of Roman Empire) M,FRS
Kant, Immanuel (German) 1724 1804 Philosopher
Jefferson, Tms (American) 1743 1826 Philosophe: Statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect,
* M = Mason, FRS or PRS = Fellow or President of the Royal Society (of United Kingdom)

Those whose nationality is unnamed were English.

The famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (Polish, 1473-1543) should be acknowledged, though he is of the Renaissance period.  He was also a philosophe and a proponent of heliocentricity (planets moving around the sun).  Likewise of the Renaissance is the inventor of the printing press Johannes Gutenberg (German,1400-1469).
